“Quality of Urban Life in Istanbul” Within the scope of the study, it was aimed to evaluate the quality of life in Istanbul at the provincial and district level, to determine the expectations of the citizens and the needs of the physical space, as well as the priority intervention issues and areas by constructing a systematic, continuous and periodically updateable life quality measurement model for monitoring the development process of the urban life quality.
Within the scope of the study, Istanbul consists of disaster resilience, infrastructure, demographic structure, education infrastructure, economic structure, accessibility, security, urban satisfaction, personal life satisfaction, housing satisfaction, health, social life, gender equality, transportation infrastructure and green space. It was evaluated in 15 different dimensions.
The data source of the research consists of the field research with district level representation with 16 thousand households and the data obtained from official institutions. While evaluating the perceptions and expectations of the residents of Istanbul regarding the quality of urban life with the field research of the research, the current situation regarding the factors affecting the urban life quality of the districts has been revealed with the secondary data obtained from the institutions and through Geographical Information Systems.
Within the scope of the index study, in the first stage, primary and secondary data of the indicators determined as a result of literature review and workshops were collected and the first data set was created. In order to ensure that the indicators in the obtained data set are not biased according to the geographical features of the districts, demographic structure, etc., the necessary indicators are the area, population, number of houses, etc. of the districts. Data validation was carried out by proportioning the values of During the data cleaning phase after validation, outliers were especially examined and the data were reviewed. Finally, a raw data set was created by classifying all the data according to the themes determined during the literature review and methodology determination process.
In the raw data set, there are variables with different measurement units such as time, kWh, kilometer. Therefore, in order to reveal meaningful relationships between data mining and data stacks, the data has been made independent of the unit of measurement. For this purpose, the data have been standardized since the observations of the variables in the data matrix have different mean and different variances. standardized
values were calculated by dividing the distance of each indicator value from the relevant indicator mean by the standard deviation. Thus, a scaled data set independent of the measurement unit was obtained.
The theme index scores of each district were calculated by taking the weighted averages of the theme indicators, which were classified as separate score values for all themes, using the weights determined in the previous step.
First, for each theme, calculations were made on the indicators that formed it. Secondly, the theme indices calculated in the previous stage were calculated using the weights specified in the table below. Thus, the General Index scores were obtained for each district.